Band Bios


Rick CrowLead Vocals
as Ronnie Van Zant
Rick brings powerful vocals and southern attitude to the stage. His ability to sing melodically and yet gritty at times allows him to emulate the varying Skynyrd vocals.


Jimmy King — Lead Guitar
as Allen Collins / Steve Gaines
Jimmy is a professional lead guitarist and songwriter who has performed on regional and national stages since the 70’s. Blues and southern rock has always been his genre of choice. Jimmy’s attention to detail sets him apart and you and will hear it when he launches into his first solo.  


Andy Long — Lead Guitar / Vocals
as Gary Rossington
Just like Rossington, Andy offers technical precision on lead guitar by hitting all the leads and fills note for note. Andy has had the privilege of sharing the stage with Greg Allman, Kansas, Bonnie Raitt, Eddie Money, John Cafferty and countless other stars. You can always count on him to be spot on and deliver the goods.

Chris Moran — Bass Guitar / Vocals
as Leon Wilkinson
Slapping the bass with his amazingly accurate bass riffs Chris really brings some “thump” to the rhythm section.  You will feel it in your bones when that bass line kicks in. In addition to his skills on the bass Chris is also an outstanding backup vocalist in the mold of Leon Wilkinson.


Dan Mutchler — Drums
as Artimus Pyle
Dan’s very physical yet precise style of drumming is the perfect fit to play the hard driving Skynyrd songs. He will be heard and he demands attention. Dan endorses Ludwig drums, Zildjian cymbals, and Diamond Back drum sticks.


Dan Nelson — Keyboards / Piano / Rhythm Guitar
as Billy Powell
Tickling the ivorys in true honky tonk fashion Dan puts on a great show for the fans. Whether dishing up a tasty keyboard solo or laying down a solid rhythm he will be sure to impress. Dan is the definition of a “utility player” and is equally proficient on either keyboards or rhythm guitar as needed by the song.

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